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June 12, 2006


Karen E.

I think he's Fred Sanford.


My theory is that he is obsessive compulsive and cannot bear to see it lying in the yard so rather than throwing it in the garbage can, he keeps it for fear that someday he will need another water bottle, cup or pretzel box. If tomorrow you notice that the above items are all neatly lined up in a row with name labels on each, you will be sure my theory is correct. Just relating it to my own personal experience... :)

BTW, Mary Kathryn wants to watch Margaret's Bumble Bee movie over and over again! Thanks for posting it Margaret!


LOL, Karen and Rebecca!

And Karen, I was thinking of Sanford and Son too!


Oh Alice, what a funny bird!! We have a catbird and will have to keep a closer eye on him!

The boys think Margaret's video is just like the beginning of the Beatrix Potter videos - lovely!


Many thanks to you and those dear boys!


This is so funny!! Definatley Oscar!!


Come on over and take my summer homeschooling poll!

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