Today was a good day. I slipped downstairs first thing and made two huge pots of chicken soup, enough for dinner tonight and a couple of lunches besides. Marie told me my chicken soup is her favorite food without even a close rival. I baked a loaf of crusty, brown rye bread dusted with caraway seeds. Rye bread is one of those things that makes me feel successful when I make it. If there is one thing I mastered during the past year, it is bread baking. I don’t want to say “the art of bread baking,” because there isn’t much art to it. Just good, wholesome, simple loaves of warm, crusty goodness.
Today was a good day. I brought the younger children to a requiem Mass for the three-year anniversary of a girl gone too soon. My younger boy served on the altar, and I prayed for everyone I knew. Honestly, if you are reading this, I may well have been praying for you specifically. Names and faces kept flooding to my mind, and as they did, I would say, “Please dear Lord, help [names], their family and all their troubles.” Everyone has troubles. We must always remember this. Everyone has troubles.
Today was a good day. My husband lighted the fire, and we sat by its light, listening to it crackle. We laughed and talked and broke up squabbles. We said all the same old things to the children: “If you two can’t get along, why don’t you stop sitting practically on top of each other?”; “If you were truly hungry, you would eat a banana”; “Why don’t you go play outside before it gets dark?” The same old comfortable things we have been saying for decades and that I no doubt will babble in my sleep as I doze off in the nursing home.
Today was a good day. I kept up my new year’s resolutions: Mass and rosary and novena and a passage from the Bible every day. I am on day nine and praying to succeed again on day ten. I started another resolution: Bring back Cottage Blessings. Today is day one, and I am praying to be back again for day two. Let’s hope the next post after this one isn’t dated 2024. And if it is, ah well.
Today was a good day. Whatever else happens, whatever is troubling or worrying or disappointing me, I am truly grateful for all that is good. I am not the woman I was when I started this blog, but I do love that girl so much and hope to find the little well inside of me where bubbles her good cheer.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!