It does not seem all that long ago I was saying goodbye to Lissa in my driveway at home in New York. She and her little ones had just spent a week with us, and they were returning to Virginia before moving to the other end of the known universe--San Diego, California.
Waving farewell, I remember the heart wrenching thought that we might not see each other again until our children's weddings!
If only someone could have shown me these photos of that darling pair of couch potatoes--together again and crazy about each other--exactly one year later!
Would anyone care to guess the name of the California town that happens to be our meeting place, not only because of its central location, but also because it was the only one that could accommodate us all on short notice? When you find out, I hope you will agree that it was meant to be.
*I did not even realize it was exactly one year, until taking a look at last year's post only a few moments ago. Amazing!