On June 15, 2008, our daughters, Agnes and Theresa, were confirmed in St. Agnes Cathedral by Bishop William Murphy in the first Latin Rite Confirmation to be held in our diocese in forty years. It was one of the most beautiful, grace-filled ceremonies I have ever attended, despite the fact that I spent a good portion of it pacing the back with our two-year old!
This first photo shows Theresa and the dogwood before we left home. The girls' friend Hope made their special confirmation dresses:
So eager were we for the ceremony that we were the first ones to the church. Agnes and Theresa wait in the Cathedral of St. Agnes parish center:
Donning white robes, along with traditional beanies:
The beautiful confirmandi:
Before the ceremony, eight girls (all very good friends who sing in choir together) performed an impromptu, but lovely, rendition of Ecce Panis Angelorum [The right of the film is cut off below, to see the complete view, please click here. Theresa is third from the left, and Agnes is far right in the unclipped video]:
Lining up:
Our beloved bishop:
The bishop speaks to the children:
I managed to film the actual confirmation, so stirring in Latin. Here you will see Agnes and her sponsor (godmother Eileen) followed by Theresa and her sponsor (godmother Patty) [For a view that is not partially clipped by the blog borders, please click here]:
Photo op, rear view:
Agnes and her sponsor, godmother Eileen:
Theresa and her sponsor, godmother Patty, along with Patty's brother, Msgr. Robert Brennan:
A proud moment with our bishop:
How my little girls have grown since this photo with the bishop, taken after a special Mass he offered for homeschoolers six years ago:
Many beautiful Gunther family members—grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins—were in attendance. I wish I'd managed to get more photos of them, but the sun was blazing, and we rushed to our car. I did manage to get this shot:
St. Jude, Agnes's patron, pray for us!
St. Gianna Molla, Theresa's patron, pray for us!
Here is The Long Island Catholic's beautiful coverage of the event.