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January 11, 2021


Oh, Typepad, you were always so hard when it came to photos. I forgot just how hard. Worse now, I think. Will need to do a bit of tweaking to figure out why these photos are so warped.

How wonderful to see you back here Alice. I've unfollowed so many people on Facebook, I might as well leave it. This little blog was such an encouragement to me so many years ago when my house was full of little feet. We still celebrate the candlemas tea that I learned about from you so many years ago, and plan to again this year even though it will now sadly only be with 3 children. Time is a thief, and much better spent reading encouraging uplifting posts, then the ones full of conspiracy, blindness or hate. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing, your beautiful family and kind heart with us. If there was a like button on blogs, I bet you'd find so many more enjoy your shared thoughts, and little quips of your children, then you may realize.

I can’t thank you enough for this, Katherine. It is extremely encouraging. ❤️

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