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January 04, 2017


This is so lovely. It really seems as if Mary blessed you with a year of grace and mercy with all those opportunities to attend Mass. The Martha Vineyard story was wonderful! I hope 2017 is just as blessed for you and your family. (Trying the new hashtag, #BL05 :-) But I'd post a comment anyway, I am so happy you are blogging again.)

Thank you so much, Sarah! xoxo

Alice, so beautiful to read! John and I began attending daily Mass during Advent 30 years ago - in hopes to be able to conceive. Lo and behold we have our Mary Ellen. Once we had a "taste" of this, 30 years later, we continue. The readings speak to any situation and the nourishment is bread from heaven :) .. our consecration was 26 years ago. We have learned, we are not immune to life's hardships but we know we are not alone. Looking thru our spiritual lenses has helped us see the daily grace and blessings ever present. Thank you for the reminder about the anniversary of Fatima. John and I will make it a year long anticipation!

Nancy, looking at your family and the beautiful paths taken by both your girls, I would say you and John truly received a great many graces. Love you both!

Dear Alice, Thank you for being such a good example. Aunt Peggy tried to make Mass every day.
I hope 2017 will be good for the Gunthers,O'Brines and Fay's.
My love to your family.
Uncle Bob Fay

What a lovely gift for the year. I look back fondly to the year I was engaged when Dom and I used to meet for daily Mass most days. He even intended to propose to me after Mass but that day I happened to lock myself out of my house and instead I called and he came to rescue me and proposed kneeling on my kitchen floor after boosting me through a window.

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