Wednesday morning, I was thinking about the Ember Days and planning on how to observe them with the children. There is something so perfect in the thought of spending three days in prayer and fasting to dedicate the upcoming season, in this case Spring, to God. On the way home from Mass, I stopped for coffee at a local farm stand. So often, if we are learning about a new liturgical season, I pick up a piece of candy or cookie to celebrate with the children, but this was Lent, so it seemed unlikely there would be anything there for them. Then, lo and behold, what did I see by the register?
These had not been there the day before, and look at the price. Do my eyes deceive me? Five cents? You can't buy a jelly bean for five cents these days. I passed the grocer two bits and told her to keep the change, bringing home nine of these dear little watering cans. (Yes, the college girls each get one too.)
The children loved hearing about the Ember Days of the Catholic Church, the nearness of Spring and the symbol of the watering can, reminding us to nurture and tend the seed of Faith in our hearts. That and sweet straws of honey to remind us of the industrious bees.
You may notice a tenth watering can. Truth is, I picked one up for myself as well!
That bee platter! Between that and the wee watering cans, I'm swooning.
Posted by: Lissa | February 27, 2015 at 11:16 PM
Thanks for Sharing so Much xoxo.
Posted by: Therese Stimpfel | February 28, 2015 at 05:10 PM
Thank you, Lissa and Therese!
Posted by: Alice Gunther | February 28, 2015 at 08:24 PM