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June 30, 2010


The pictures are great, but for those of us not privileged to be there, film clips are a MUST!!!
Bravo to all actors and special notice to the costume department, as they are often overlooked!

Wonderful, Alice! Juliet is certainly the iconic role, but Tybalt...haven't we always loved to hate Tybalt! And the costumes! Was that talented young girl responsible for them this year, as well? Amazing. So happy you're back in full force this week!

Positively marvellous! I wish I was there!

Those costumes are amazing! You're so right, the role of a life time!

Great job Tybalt! Front Lawn Players - this is terrific! And from somebody who used to do theater - let me tell you that learning about Shakespeare was the best thing I ever got out of all my experiences!

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