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August 14, 2009



Mary Ellen's family is in my prayers. May our Blessed Mother wrap her mantle around all of them and bring them comfort in their grief. We will say our Rosary for the repose of Ryan's soul and for his family tonight.

Love in Christ,

I'm so devastated for them :(

Keeping them all in our prayers. It all seems so surreal. I am so very sorry!

Alice, this is awful! Thinking of and praying for his family!

Praying and crying my heart out for this dear family. God bless them with the grace to see and benefit from the many graces and blessings He will surely rain down upon them in their sorrow. Ryan is surely in the joy and perfection of heaven, but his parents and siblings will miss their special boy. God help and strengthen them. In Christ through Mary,

Oh my heart aches for this family.
What a beautiful face on that precious boy, even more beautiful now that it sees God.

Will pray for consolation for the family,

love to you,

Oh my heart is broken for this family and their friend. I will pray for them.


So glad you posted this wonderful picture of this handsome angel. My prayers are with the Barretts and all of Ryan's friends as they try to navigate this dreadful time. I look at my 14 year old Ryan and have promised to try to be more patient....less harsh.

Please dear sweet Lord Jesus, wrap your loving arms around this family! Please dear Lord! Amen.

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