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December 19, 2008


How sweet is that? Happy Birthday, Lissa!!

And here I was away from the computer all day!! All week, practically! Too, too, too funny and awesome. You are truly the best, my dear. I only wish I'd been there to revel in all that in person!

Love you immensely!!

I am so sorry I couldn't make it to the tea ! It looks like a wonderful night. Unfortunately, that was the only night we had everyone home to decorate our tree.
Merry Christmas to you Alice and your beautiful family!

Happiest of birthdays to Lissa -- you are indeed very blessed to have a friend like Alice!

Alice -- you are an amazing woman! Someday I too may be like you....

Wow, what a party :)

I hope Lissa had a beautiful birthday. I was so bereft that I couldn't make it to the tea... thank you for sharing some of the warmth and beauty here! Everything you do goes right into my heart, Alice.

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