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August 27, 2008


Thank you Alice!!! I didn't hear or read what was said - I only saw a snippet alluding to it. It was quite shocking and annoying to be misrepresented by such a high profile person.

So amazing and inspiring and true. Thank you for sharing it.

Absolutely. I'm proud of many American bishops this week,eight so far that have taken a stand individually. May there be more. This is an important moment in the Church in America and, I believe, in politics. Hooray!

Archbishop Chaput wrote a great letter too. I was listening to Laura Ingraham this morning and she had Ramond Arroyo on (from EWTN). They were discussing how more bishops are speaking out against Nancy Pelosi's utterly wrong and ignorant statements, about abortion, on Meet The Press. Oh, how I miss Tim Russert!!! He would never have let her get away with that statement!

Simply and beautifully stated.

I am also proud of our bishops! So many have really stepped out and made these wonderful statements. There can be no doubt where the Church stands on this issue thanks to their wonderful shepherding!!

And kudos to your Bishop Murphy as well! http://www.licatholic.org/columns/murphy.htm

So straightforward and wise. I have read many responses to her comments, and Cardinal Egan's is my favorite. Oh, and aren't we absolutely blessed to have Bishop Murphy as OUR bishop?

What a great response!! Amen!

Laws and politics are so discombobulated. On Relevant Radio, Fr. Frank Povone reminds us that (for example) a drunk driver who hits and kills a pregnant women driving to an abortion clinic is charged with double homocide, yet the mother wouldn't have been charged if she would have gone through with her plans to kill her child. Hmmm...

Thank you for posting this beautiful writing. I, unfortunately, have to admit that I wouldn't have known about it otherwise. Go bishops!

It is wonderful to read the words of Cardinal Egan. He clearly loves all of God's children, no matter how young or old.

As I learned in Sunday School as a little girl..."Jesus loves the little children, all the little children of the world, red, brown, yellow, black, and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world." That song always makes me smile.

Have a beautiful day :)

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