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July 18, 2008


The cottage looks incredible with it's thatched roof!

This is just SO cool Alice!!

Oh my! I never would have guessed. I love it, and agree with so many others - it is just too COOL! It's going to be beautiful.

Oh, my goodness! That's just incredible!

It's going up so quickly! Beautiful!

It is so charming!!! I want to come visit so I can see it in person!! :)


Do the thatchers clean-up when they're finished? ;)

Cay asks:

"Do the thatchers clean-up when they're finished? ;)"

Yes, thank goodness! The place looks like a stable at the moment!

Wow. I've never seen this done before. It looks REALLY cool.

How incredible! It looks so European.

Just reading through your archives tonight and was wondering how the roof is holding up? Do you love it?

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