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July 30, 2008


Oh Dear Alice! :) What wonderful news! You are in my prayers friend. What a wonderful story. I have had a few particular Saints literally carry me through a few pregnancies. God love you Alice!

I rarely comment but I always check in here. Today I just have to say that I am so very happy for you and your family!


You told it wonderfully! And I feel so special that you had shared the Padre Pio prayer with me for my niece. Still praying for her!

How wonderful! Congratulations, Alice, and thank you for sharing about the amazing intercession of St. Pio!

Congratulations! Thank you for sharing such an amazing story. It was so wonderful and uplifting. Prayers for a happy and healthy pregnancy.

What a wonderful story Alice, and congratulations on your new blessing!

Oh Alice! I am so full of joy for you! Infact you would laugh to see me now, I have tears running down my face! Perhaps partly because of your wonderful news and partly because of the beautiful prayer you linked to.

What a blessing for this new child to be entering your lovely family.

Congratulations, Alice and family! You and your family are in my prayers. Padre Pio is very special to me.

Alice, this was beautifully told - and CONGRATULATIONS! I am delighted for you!

Oh, Alice!!

I just got your [wonderful, by the way!!!!] book today,and noticed that it said you were expecting your eighth child.

I immediately had two thoughts: Whoa, what did I miss??? and Wait a minute, how old is Eileen? Has this book been in the works as long as that? Then I counted your kids three times. (I'm a little slow on the uptake, I guess.) :)

I have to laugh, though. There have been so many posts like this in the circle of blogs I most love lately, that I now think I know the answer to that obnoxious question, "Don't they know what causes that?" Sure: it's blogging!!!! :) :) :)

What wonderful and exciting news -- and what a wonderful story to go with it. Congratulations -- to both you (your whole family!), and especially the lucky little baby!

Oh Alice, what could be 'not as well done' about the most blessed news on earth? Beautiful story of beautiful news! We know those 'little things' never are little. Congratulations and you know we are thrilled for you! xo

Dear Alice,
I loved reading this beautiful post! I loved reading that stuff in your home gets batted around. I have this delusion that my house is the only one prone to mishaps.

I loved reading that you move clutter from one place to the next, as another delusion I have is that my home is the only one with clutter moving from spot to spot.

Whether it is a kind comment on my frequently neglected blog or an inspiring post on yours, you have such a way of always bringing me comfort through my internet connection!

I cannot believe for even a nanosecond that St. Padre Pio's 'presence' in your life for the sake of your wonderful new Sweet Treasure is only mere coincidence. Count on my prayers for you through the intercession of St. Padre Pio, Dear Alice. Yes! Pray, hope, and don't worry!


Congratulations Alice! This is such wonderful news! :))

Praise God!

It's really in those moments of total surrender that God and His saints are most open to hearing our prayers. Congratulations! As one who has a particular devotion to Padre Pio, I must say that I am hardly surprised...

Congratulations!! What wonderful news!!
Have you been the to shrine of St. Gerard in Newark NJ?? I HIGHLY recommend a pilgrimage if you have never been before.

And just a little aside. My mother in law met St. Pio when she was a child in Italy!! She says she can still remember the smell of roses around him!

CONGRATULATIONS, Alice!!!!! I don't think any of those things (including the day you tested) were coincidences at all!

What wonderful news, Alice!! And a beautiful story. :) Thank you for helping me keep my faith "up". Many prayers coming your way for a healthy and uneventful pregnancy!

I have had faith affirming moments like those (I call them my "signs"). If those had happened to me, I would have certainly felt that there were "signs" that my prayer were being answered in some way or another. Congratulations!

Great big wonderful congratulations!! I am so pleased for you and yours!

Hooray!!! Congratulations! And thanks be to God and to St. Pio for his intercession. What wonderful news. And a beautiful story too. But then you always seem to be able to make everything into a beautiful story. I'll be praying for a safe-- and easy-- pregnancy and delivery.

I am so happy for you and your family! I will keep you all in my prayers, especially your littlest blessing! :)

What wonderful news! God's blessing on you and your growing family!

What a beautiful story! Congratulations on your wonderful news. I will keep you in my prayers....

Congrats, Alice! Yipppeee!

I am delighted for you, be assured of my prayers, Padre Pio is so awesome !!!!!!

Congratulations! Wonderful news!!!

Oh Alice, congratulations. From the little I've gotten to know you over the last year and a half online (through your blog) I know that you are a wonderful mother.

On a different note... My book came today. I picked up the mail as we were leaving to go to church. I wish I would have sent one of the kids to the end of the driveway to retreive the mail earlier in the day because I would have started reading right away!! We got to church 15 minutes early so I did get to read the first 2 chapters and I am looking forward to some more reading tonight. I love that you have included pictures in the book. It makes it very personable and inviting.

Again, congratulations!!!!


Deo gracias! I am so happy for you and your family.

Congratulations! I didn't think anything could top getting your book in the mail today, but this news has!

OH ALICE!! I am so happy for you! You and your family are blessed again!! My mum and I and the rest of my family congratulate you and will keep you in our prayers!

Sophie, Sarah(mum), Nick, David, Jonathan(dad)

Dear, sweet, wonderful, beautiful Alice! What happy, happy news - congratulations!! I can't tell you how it delights me that YOU are expecting. One more little soul for heaven!

St. Pio, pray for us! I love you, Alice Gunther.

Alice, I'd say this is perfectly well done. :-) Hugs, hugs, hugs!

Congratulations! What a lovely post, too. What a blessing this is for your family.

YEAH!!!! Heartfelt congratulations!! I will add you to my prayer list and pray that everything stays healthy and uneventful! Praise God!

Oh, Alice! Congratulations!

So when is this baby due? It sounds like it's awfully close to mine. Another matched set in case we ever do get to meet. :-)

Many, many congratulations! What a great post and even greater news!

God bless you all!

Beautifully expressed, Alice! This little one is going to be so happily anticipated and just drenched in love. I didn't know the story...thank you for sharing it! God bless you all!

Prayers and congratulations to you from Texas! What joyful news for you and your dear ones. :)

Oh, Alice! I'm soooo happy for you! Congratulations!!!! I looked at our picture on from the conference from various sources and I knew and it's so nice to be right. Many prayers!

Maybe I'll start praying to St. Pio too.

Congratulations! God bless you and your family during this joyful time.

Congratulations, Alice! What a beautiful story of life, hope and joy!

Oh my what a beautiful post. Congratulations. If that is not n awesome intersession story i don't know what is. I am also wondering and worrying about baby #5 if there will ever be a #5. This post was what I needed to read.


Oh, Alice! Congratulations! I'm just thrilled to hear such blessed news. All my prayers for you, the baby, and your lovely family.

Congratulations dear Alice, what a blessed little sweet pea this will be. Clarice

I'm so happy your prayers were answered. Congratulations Alice!!


This post literally gave me chills when I read it! I've been interested in learning more about Padre Pio lately after reading about him in several of my favorite bloggers, and now I know I must learn more!

I'm a frequent reader and in-frequent commenter to your blog but wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your mentorship and inspiration as a young Catholic mum trying to incorporate and learning how to live the liturgical year in my own home! Thank you!

And how exciting for your family!! I'll keep you in my prayers!


Very well done! Congratulations to all of you! When I took you off the 'Just One More' list, I put you right on my expectant moms list for my morning prayers.

Congratulations. What a wonderful story. I'm very glad you shared it.

I just received your wonderful book today and I just read through most of it in one sitting...it is wonderful! ...then I got to the end and found the little hint about you expecting and I immediately signed on to my computer to leave a message...I see I am not the first...
You are in my prayers, dear lady!!



Congratulations! That is so wonderful. Our family has a devotion to Padre Pio as well. My husband's birthday is the same day as his feast day (Sept. 23).

Oh not silly or selfish. I praise God that He gives so many of the lovely ladies I have come to know and love (such as you, dear Alice) such a burning heart for more little souls! Congratulations!

Great news, Alice!!!!! Congratulations, dear friend. You are in my prayers.

Thanks for sharing the story, Alice. I'm very happy for you and your family.

Congratulations! I am so happy for you!

Alice, this is just the most wonderful, blessed news, I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!

I remember my father always say to me, "Now Anne, pray, hope and don't worry like Padre Pio tells us!" - a lovely little connection for you and bubs to this blessed saint!

You will be on my St Anne mothers prayer list.

What fabulous news! Congratulations! (I had a feeling that you'd be joining the pregnant blogger club soon!) Beautifully told, too -- a goosebumps moment, to be sure.

Congratulations, Alice! What happy, happy news :).

I am so very happy for you, Alice.

Congratulations! Very exciting news! Wonderful story too, thanks for sharing it.

what awesome wonderful news!! I am so happy for you all.

Leona is a perfect name if it is a girl!! :-)

How very wonderful and what a testimony to the power of intercessory prayer! Congratulations and God's blessings from one of the 40+ crowd who hopes and prays for the same miracle...even after 9, there's always room for one more....

Congratulations! As I curled up in bed last night with a flashlight to read YOUR book, I went to sleep thinking you are such a lovely person. I asked God to make me more like you.

I'm so happy for you and your family!

Wonderful news! I haven't checked in for a while - just been too busy to spend time at my favorite blogs lately -- but was so *PLEASED* to read this post. God is good! Hip-hip-hurray...for Padre Pio! He's da' man! :) I owe it to his intercession to have met my sweet husband. Take care of yourself dear!!! Prayers for you and baby one.


Congratulations on your most joyous news.

I'm so happy for your wonderful news. May you and your family rejoice in God's abundant love.

oh Alice, what wonderful news!!! Congratulations to you and your family, and many prayers and hugs sent your way.

What wonderful news!!! I love the story of Padre Pio's intercession.
You and your sweet babe will be in our prayers.


Padre Pio is one of my favorite saints. Years and years ago, an Italian priest in the Albanian Orthodox Church, who was a contract priest for our base, told me he just knew Padre Pio would be canonized. He'd gone to San Giovanni Rotondo and attended one of Padre Pio's Masses.

Padre Pio's amazing life is a source of wonder to me...I'm so glad to know he inspires so many others.

I'm so happy to hear your good news, and you will be in my prayers in the months ahead!

Congratulations, Alice! It was a wonderfully told story. In fact, I'm going to tell my husband this story right now. St. Pio was responsible for his conversion (through a book he found at a used book store, but I know that there are no coincidences) and I know he will love to hear your story as well:-).

Congratulations to you and your family! What beautiful news and what a beautiful story to tell.

I just read your post to my family and could not finish without tears of joy for you and yours.
God bless you, your husband and all your children!

Congratulations! Your child is so blessed to be part of your family. How you managed to do so much during your first trimester is beyond me! Much love and prayers for you.

oh, sensational news! And having a baby after the 40 mark is easy ... it's the keeping up with them as you get PAST 40 that's hard ....

Blessings dear and sending up a prayer of thanksgiving to St. Pio for your little blessing!

OH wow! I"m so behind on reading but I was SO glad to hear this wonderful news! Sending lots of prayers and hugs your way! Congratulations!

Well, you already know how I feel about this most blessed and joyous news, and I don't suppose you remember that my birthday is May 25th!! ;-) I love you!!

Congratulations Alice :) I am VERY happy for you :)

Oh Alice! How truly wonderful!!! I just received your Haystack book in the mail today from Hillside Education. I can't wait to finish it, what I have read has been glorious. I hope you are feeling well and that you have a wonderful pregnancy. I'm tickled you are a Padre Pio fan too! God Bless you for your love of life!

Wow! I think it is safe to say that your little miracle is a result of the intervention of St. Padre Pio. What a blessed reminder to me as I pray for my oldest daughter as she struggles with infertility. Thank you for the reminder that prayer is powerful.

Thank you, Padre Pio!!! Another miracle!!! Congrats, Alice, and many prayers for you and baby!

I have been looking at the booklet you gave me and wondering...should I be drawing closer to this great man?

He's an intimidating one, that Padre Pio. So very saintly! And yet, here you are to tell us that we must be little and we must trust.

Hugs to you from afar, dear Alice, to go with the one that we shared a week ago. Sigh. MUST you be a New Yorker?

PS. Your book was making the rounds during our camp-out this weekend. My friend Tina said, "Maybe she could come to visit you, Margaret, and then we could get her to talk to our co-op!"

Which sounded very good to me.

Oh Alice! Congratulations!!!

I had just finished your book and saw your news at the end of it and I came here to get the rest of the story! :-)

God bless you and your little one!

Congratulations! Hope you're feeling well!

Alice, this is late but I want to share with you how much this post touched my heart. Congratulations to you and your family! :-) God Bless You!

What a testimony! And of course, congratulations, though I did get to say that to you in person. I loved your opener at the conference about gaining 15 lbs rather than losing 20.

Congratulations, Alice! This is SO EXCITING! I am jumping up and down for you! God bless you!

A great story! Congratulations.

Oh, I think maybe I'll bug St. Pio!

Our very deepest congratulations!

Congratulations!!!! We are so happy for you. Thanks for writing out the whole story. I just love those things, the way they happen and I don't for one minute believe they are co-incidences.

God bless,

I am so excited for you, Alice. God is so very good! St. Padre Pio is amazing and wonderful! God bless your family and your little sweet unborn baby!

Big hugs!
Love, Donna

Wow, I love that story. I have a friend in a similar situation also praying to St. Padre Pio. They even went on a pilgrimage this summer to where he is.

What a blessing for your whole family. Offering up prayers for your sweet, little one,

Congratulations! I will be keeping you and your precious little blessing in my prayers through your due date! What a beautiful story!

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