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June 28, 2008


Love it! St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us!


I love this! As a convert, having a friendship with those saints already in heaven and knowing that they can personally care about and intercede for me is one of my greatest joys. It is indeed a privilege to be Catholic and to pass this faith down to our children!

I laughed out loud to read this!

I wasn't a particularly diligent student myself, though my grades were always acceptable, and I wasn't Catholic, so I didn't have the Saints to fall back on, but I sure can relate, none the less. :-)

Alice, I love the way you place practical suggestions at the end of your articles.

LOL! That's a great article, Alice! Love that picture by your byline.

Thanks for sharing this delightful story. I think it's wonderful how your prayer was answered in a way that caused your faith and devotion to the saints to grow - a far more important 'lesson' than if you had simply researched St. Thomas in a studious fashion.

I laughed out loud, too! I just knew what was coming, though, Alice, because you always have these amazing encounters. Great story!

What a great story Alice. I really enjoyed it:-)

What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing! I'm going to use those tips at the end with my four little ones. :)

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