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May 28, 2008


Wow. Your trash is another person's treasure, minus the mold of course!

And what a beautiful landscape! Breathtaking.

Though I am sorry to hear about the mold, I bet it is a nice feeling to have an empty basement. I keep telling myself if we could clean ours out, the kids could roller skate down there in the winter months. :)

Oh I see your azaleas waving to me in the background! I'd love a full shot. :)

Or rhododendrons? I can't remember. I really do need a refresher post on Alice's most amazing flowers.

Bravo to you! Doesn't that feel GOOD?!

Wow, nice work!! I'm glad the little kitchen was saved, it's adorable!

Oh, no! I'm so sorry about the mold. What a project to clean it all out, but I can imagine how good it feels now. And I'm glad you were able to save that cute little kitchen!

Oh Boy! The little kitchen immediately caught my eye! Glad it survived your mold crisis.

I have a cellar, not a basement - an actual dirt-floor cellar, and it's damp enough for frogs to live in. I love my house.

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