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March 22, 2008


How beautiful (both the art and the friends!).

I would love to learn to make Pysanky eggs some day. :)

Ha! I thought of trying this with my kids this year...and then I slapped myself on the forehead and said aloud, "What the heck are you thinking?!" We wouldn't have eggs at all. Generous dollops of icing colors, however, have given us some of the most vibrant eggs we've ever had, so it's all good. Not fancy, but good. :-)

Happy Easter, Alice!

I've always wanted to learn how to make those eggs. Maybe someday! :) You are blessed to have such loving friends. Happy Easter to you and your family, Alice!

Kari and Caroline are the best. I have always loved them dearly and now I love them more for giving you this precious gift of some quiet time. We are all so truly blessed in our friendships. God is so good to us.

What wonderful friends! And beautiful, beautiful Easter eggs, too.

Happy Easter
He is Risen. Alleluia


Blessed Easter to you and your family!

The eggs (and the thoughtful friend behind them) are beautiful, Alice. Happy Easter!

Beautiful! I managed to color some eggs with my kids and bake some pre-cut Easter bunny cookies!

Happy Easter to all!

We made these this year also. This was our first time and it took us ALL DAY! But it was fun. Happy Easter to you and your family.

Absolutely beautiful! I haven't even mastered the art of hardboiling eggs. The last three years they have come out soft-boiled!

What loving, creative friends you have, Alice. A friend of mine introduced me to Pysanky a year ago, and I will be forever grateful. I have learned something from your instructive photos, too...I am going to get some wide-mouthed jars to store my dye in rather than make the dye anew each time!

How cool is that!!! Truly divine :)

Those eggs are awesome. If you use scented candles it makes the project even more fun!

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