O Lord Jesus Christ, teach us to love Your holy name, to hold it in awe and pronounce it with reverence. Deliver us from the sin of blasphemy. May the holy name of Jesus be infinitely blessed!
Vouchsafe O Lord, for Your Name's sake, to reward with eternal life all those who do us good. Amen.
Prayer from: Novena Calendar
Activities requiring no advance preparation:
--If you still have candy canes on hand (or even if not), show the children how the canes may be turned over to form a "J" in honor of the blessed name of Our Lord.
--When I was growing up, my parents always bowed their heads upon hearing or speaking the Holy Name. If this custom is new to you, consider introducing it as a new year's resolution.
--Recite the Litany of the Holy Name after dinner.
--Sing "Holy God, we praise thy name." [Hauntingly beautiful rendition here--please exercise caution when going to youtube. Complete lyrics may be found here.]
--Light a candle, preferably white or red, in honor of the Holy Name.
--Create an ornament or picture, cake or cupcakes with the letters "IHS," symbolic of the Holy Name.
--Read today's Mary Vitamin [627, The Holy Name of Jesus].
--According to the Mary Vitamin, "St. Isaac Jogues carved the Holy Name of Jesus into the trees around His mission house in upstate New York, in deference to the power of the Holy Name over the devils." How about allowing the children to hang a handmade sign featuring the Holy Name on a tree (or trees) outside?
Thank you, thank you, Alice as always for your wonderful ideas! My girls are painting bark signs right now thanks to you (and St. Isaac). xo
Posted by: Kimberlee | January 03, 2008 at 03:31 PM
Alice, please visit my blog for an award/blessing I've given you. Thanks.
Posted by: PaulaB52 | January 03, 2008 at 04:16 PM
What lovely ideas, Alice. And so simple. . .Thank you!
Posted by: Sarah | January 03, 2008 at 05:02 PM
You always have the best ideas! Happy Feast sweetie!
Posted by: Meredith | January 03, 2008 at 06:10 PM
Excellent ideas. I wish I had seen it earlier today, but since the the whole month is dedicated I guess it's still all good, right.
Posted by: Mary M | January 04, 2008 at 03:19 AM