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January 05, 2008


How timely this is for me, dear Alice. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful prayer!

"I entered the confessional to repeat the same sin I confess month after month after month--'Father, I was impatient with the children.' "

Could have been words out of my own mouth, but it gives me great comfort to know it's not just me breathing these words in the confessional.

Ah, yes, the gift of patience. More prayers for that needed here too!

Perfect timing for moi aussi!! I love the hymn, it's so beautiful, I'm going to tape it up next to my computer :) Have a wonderful Epiphany today dear lady!

Yes, this is exactly what I needed right this minute. Thank you, Alice.

Wonderful, I had never heard of this hymn.

This is something I try to be conscious about every single day. It's good to know others have the same issue!

My expressions of impatience seem to get less and less as the children get older...but I do still feel every one inside; the difference is that wisdom has taught me to keep it to myself. This is less a function of my own self-discipline, as it is an ever developing trust in God's intimate involvement, direction, and providence in their lives. I truly believe in the daily consecrations I make of my children to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She takes over in every instance that I lack. Needless to say poor Woman is very busy in this home! :) BTW, in all the times I've seen you with your children I have never seen you utter ONE impatient word! In fact, you are the model of patience and civility! I think poor Blessed Mother had to walk around my house with ear plugs most of my young motherhood. :( Confession was/is a great source of consolation as I battle(d) this particular offense...often...and I mean OFTEN...!!!! Bloody knees, ya know?

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