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November 04, 2007


"After using 33 candles, there will be just enough left over for the 12 days of Christmas!"

Dear Alice,
This is just so ideal. You always have BEST ideas!
I have placed my True Devotion book at the ready and will be praying along with you!
God Bless you and your dear ones, kristina

Ooh, lovely idea with the candles!

So glad you're walking this road with me, dear one.

I probably won't be praying ALL the prayers alongside you ;), but I will be praying for you with all my heart.

This is just so perfect and beautiful, count me in :) Thank you so much Alice!

I forgot to ask about the Hanukkah candles when I saw them on your counter, LOL! I had just been reading a book about Jewish conversions (to Catholicism), and I was wondering what you were thinking...? ;)

Thanks for posting this. Wonderful!

Oh Alice I'm beginning today too!! It's nice to know that I'm not "alone" on this journey!

I get chills when numbers work out just so. Your idea is just perfect. I was beginning my own little pre-Advent this year, and this will fit in perfectly. Thank you, Alice!

Alice, I too, am joining you all with this beautiful preparation for Advent! :)

Alice - thank you so much for posting about this. I'm going to give it a try too.

Count me in, too. It's been crazy busy here and my copy of True Devotion has been calling me, ever so quietly. Its high time I answer.

Oh wow, I am praying this too! I would be honored to do it with you!

I agree...You always have the BEST ideas! I think the candles are a wonderful idea!

The 8th of December has long been special to me...what a blessed time of year do make this special consecration!

What a wonderful idea. I just saw this today. Do you think I could start today? A day late?

Alice, I hope you are collecting all these ideas for a craft book! You have some truly fresh, inspired - and actually "do-able" projects that should be shared far and wide! :-)

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