The same day I wrote the post asking the immortal question, "Does the Gunther Family ever stop taking tea?" I received an email from my gracious friend, Gloria, entitled, "Invitation to Tea":
"Could you come to tea at my house on Wednesday? We could do a high tea with sandwiches and scones with lemon curd etc. The girls love having tea parties."
Needless to say, I fired back an immediate response:
"We will come with great joy on Wednesday! Thank you for the invitation to your beautiful home!"
An automatic link to my blog appeared at the end of the message, and Gloria followed it, finding Cottage Blessings for *the first time.* When she read all those posts about the charms of Tea in San Francisco, she laughed out loud, knowing she had invited the right family!
My dear friends, feast your eyes on the spread Gloria provided for us. Its perfect elegance and beauty cannot be captured on film, because you cannot see the well-tended gardens surrounding the house with every sort of blooming or edible growing thing imaginable (all thriving as vibrantly as a Beatrix Potter watercolor) or the detailed architectural elements both inside an out, reminding me of why San Francisco is so famous for this. You cannot see Gloria's dear children showing me their artwork and telling stories, combing and ribboning Maureen's blonde head, or teaching their guests the Virginia Reel! These things are tucked away in my memory, but I know you can imagine them.
I will attempt to relay the menu, hoping not to forget a single delectable bite:
Vanilla Milk Tea
Earl Grey Tea
Cucumber Tea Sandwiches sprigged with mint
Chicken Salad Tea Sandwiches
Date Tea Sandwiches
Peanut Butter and Jelly Triangles (for the very little ones)
Homemade Lemon Scones
Homemade Nutmeg Scones
Homemade Clotted Cream
Homemade Lemon Curd
Red Jam
Assorted Cookies
Miniature Brownies
All of this was served on fine china and an heirloom tablecloth with the strains of Bach and Pachelbel filling our ears.
Gloria thought of everything, and what Victorian Tea would be complete without a charming table for the littler girls?
In the Little Girl World, if you are a friend, you must be picked up. Maureen has found favor with the Princess.
Agnes found a copy of Maria von Trapp's "The Story of the von Trapp Family Singers" on a shelf. Not only did Gloria let her borrow it, she also sang a duet of "The Sound of Music" with Agnes, much to our great delight. Gloria is a Conservatory graduate, and her voice is ethereal!
The only difficulty was peeling my children out at the end--this was not easy, let me tell you. Tea Time in San Francisco keeps getting better and better!
BTW, Gloria is a dear friend of Chari Bryans, not to mention Maria Peceli, Willa Ryan and Erica Sanchez--there is quite a wonderful group of mothers here in the Golden State of California.
Oh my what a special and beautiful afternoon. I all looks perfectly yummy. What a blessed trip you are having. xoxoxo Clarice
Posted by: clarice | August 05, 2007 at 04:20 PM
Posted by: patience | August 05, 2007 at 04:22 PM
How beautiful! Gloria brought me dinner once when Aidan was at UCSF hospital. She is delightful and such a good cook.
Posted by: willa | August 05, 2007 at 04:51 PM
Oh my goodness! What a gorgeous afternoon! The Girl carefully read this post over my shoulder and now we're planning a tea party for this summer, too.
Posted by: Beck | August 05, 2007 at 06:16 PM
This has inspired me to invite over a good homeschooling friend of mine and her girls for a tea party to celebrate going back to (home)school!
I am sure it won't be nearly as lovely as the party you attended, but I think we will have a charming time just the same!
Posted by: sherry | August 05, 2007 at 06:40 PM
Leave it to Gloria to create such a glorious spread!
Did she sing for you?
Posted by: Maria | August 05, 2007 at 08:19 PM
My friend Karen just called me today wanting to plan a tea for mothers before we begin our new school year.
How lovely to read all your tea posts and know that we will soon be having two of our own. :)
Posted by: Cay | August 05, 2007 at 11:13 PM
I love all your tea parties, whether you host them or someone else! Absolutely delightful!!
Posted by: Kristen Laurence | August 05, 2007 at 11:58 PM
Yes, Maria, Gloria did sing for us--it was a highlight, and I've updated the post to include it!
Thanks to all of you for the very kind comments!
Posted by: Alice Gunther | August 06, 2007 at 12:27 AM
I was also going to ask if Gloria sang for you? At the campout, she taught the girls the most beautiful, sweet songs! I can't help but chuckle at the contrast between this elegant tea and setting and the dusty (although beautiful) campground! :) I'm so happy that two such lovely people are getting to spend time togther. God bless!
Posted by: Erica | August 06, 2007 at 01:31 PM
What a lovely way to spend an afternoon:-)
Posted by: Kathy | August 06, 2007 at 02:49 PM
It takes a lot of preparation to prepare something so beautiful.
Posted by: Mariposa | August 06, 2007 at 10:40 PM
See? I JUST KNEW you would love Gloria! I am blessed as well, as I have also had high tea at Gloria's beautiful home, and I have photos just like yours! And, I am even MORE blessed, as I get to hear Gloria sing quite frequently. Now, when do *I* get to have tea with Alice??? Funny, I brought your phone numbers with me tonight, to call you, Alice.....but, I got distracted, and called Willa instead :)...maybe tomorrow! Blessings,
Posted by: Chari | August 07, 2007 at 02:18 AM
How lovely! What a beautiful tea amongst friends!
Posted by: aussieannie | August 07, 2007 at 05:07 AM
Well aren't you just the lucky ones!!! Is that by any chance Gloria from the Camping trip Gloria??? She's a dearheart with the sweetest girls!
Posted by: Meredith | August 08, 2007 at 10:57 AM
What a "Glori-ous" afternoon!
Posted by: Jane Ramsey | August 08, 2007 at 03:41 PM
Oh Alice! How lovely! I have been thoroughly enjoying visiting San Francisco via your blog! Thanks, as always, for sharing your lovely life!
Posted by: Julie at Trinity Acres | August 08, 2007 at 11:05 PM