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August 05, 2007


Oh my what a special and beautiful afternoon. I all looks perfectly yummy. What a blessed trip you are having. xoxoxo Clarice


How beautiful! Gloria brought me dinner once when Aidan was at UCSF hospital. She is delightful and such a good cook.

Oh my goodness! What a gorgeous afternoon! The Girl carefully read this post over my shoulder and now we're planning a tea party for this summer, too.

This has inspired me to invite over a good homeschooling friend of mine and her girls for a tea party to celebrate going back to (home)school!

I am sure it won't be nearly as lovely as the party you attended, but I think we will have a charming time just the same!


Leave it to Gloria to create such a glorious spread!


Did she sing for you?

My friend Karen just called me today wanting to plan a tea for mothers before we begin our new school year.

How lovely to read all your tea posts and know that we will soon be having two of our own. :)

I love all your tea parties, whether you host them or someone else! Absolutely delightful!!

Yes, Maria, Gloria did sing for us--it was a highlight, and I've updated the post to include it!

Thanks to all of you for the very kind comments!

I was also going to ask if Gloria sang for you? At the campout, she taught the girls the most beautiful, sweet songs! I can't help but chuckle at the contrast between this elegant tea and setting and the dusty (although beautiful) campground! :) I'm so happy that two such lovely people are getting to spend time togther. God bless!

What a lovely way to spend an afternoon:-)

It takes a lot of preparation to prepare something so beautiful.

See? I JUST KNEW you would love Gloria! I am blessed as well, as I have also had high tea at Gloria's beautiful home, and I have photos just like yours! And, I am even MORE blessed, as I get to hear Gloria sing quite frequently. Now, when do *I* get to have tea with Alice??? Funny, I brought your phone numbers with me tonight, to call you, Alice.....but, I got distracted, and called Willa instead :)...maybe tomorrow! Blessings,

How lovely! What a beautiful tea amongst friends!

Well aren't you just the lucky ones!!! Is that by any chance Gloria from the Camping trip Gloria??? She's a dearheart with the sweetest girls!

What a "Glori-ous" afternoon!

Oh Alice! How lovely! I have been thoroughly enjoying visiting San Francisco via your blog! Thanks, as always, for sharing your lovely life!

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