If you visit San Francisco's Golden Gate Park and squeeze your van into a spot on Martin Luther King Jr. Dr, you may find yourself wheeling a double stroller down Ninth Avenue. As you step outside the park, you will want to turn left at an Art Gallery that doubles as a Cocktail Lounge, skim past DaHil's Handwriting Analysis [a business that looks straight out of Dick Tracy] and pause a moment to glance inside the window of Cuschieri's Cabinet Shop. Keep walking, and you will be standing in front of a storefront bathed in the colors of the French countryside--all sage and suntan and strawberry--and crowned with a cheery striped awning and gilded sign: The Secret Garden Tea House.
If you happen to gaze through the door and catch a glimpse of chintz and china, you will no doubt wish to enter, yet the unwieldy stoller and two active babies may give you pause. Have no fear--the owner will wave you in with a smile, "Bring the stroller right in, and have a seat. Your table is ready!"
At least this was our experience, and I am sure it will be yours as well.
As I have written here before, the girls and I have a First Saturday tradition of attending Mass and Confession before spending a special night or afternoon together, usually at a restaurant or bookstore. We had hoped to continue this custom here in San Francisco, but, with no one to watch the little ones (and Daddy working quite a bit), we have had to put it on hold for a while. Several months ago, we read about The Secret Garden Tea House and hoped to give it a try for one of our First Saturdays, but it seemed we would never be able to get there without our spirited troupe of little ones.
A few days ago, I had an idea and proposed it to the girls: "Why don't we call the Tea House and ask them to pack us a picnic to bring to Golden Gate Park?" The gracious woman on the other end of the phone said she would be very happy to pack the Tea for us to take outdoors, but, hearing one of the younger set calling to me in the background, she asked, "Are you planning the Tea at the park because you have little ones?" I laughed and admitted that this was indeed the case, and she said, "Oh, they are very welcome to come along with you. This is a Family Place. Why don't you come in, sit down, and have some tea?"
With this encouragement, I very happily made a reservation for myself and all seven children, including my lively boy, active toddler, and bouncy baby. The staff at the tea house welcomed us with open arms, encouraging me to bring the double stroller right inside and seating us at a table so beautifully set I felt as if we were arriving for a party.
Soon three tiered servers laden with a host of delicacies began to arrive--cucumber sandwiches sprigged with mint, clotted cream and scones, dainty onion puffs, and tiny napoleans (to name but a few), alongside teddy-bear shaped cinnamon toast and miniature brownies for the littlest ones. The children were delighted, all choosing the same type of tea called "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Why am I not surprised?
Lest you feel a bit sorry for my dear boy in a place so lavishly feminine, please do not! He loved it as much as anyone, requesting to return for breakfast the next day. (I kid you not.)
Raggedy Ann was impressed with the food and service, asking politely for second helpings on almost everything.
Although children of all ages were welcome, the place was calm and soothing--even my littlest ones were inspired to serenity in such gracious surroundings. The food was dainty and delicious, and we certainly appreciated the florals and pretty touches all around.
After almost two months, we have learned to love a great many things about this wonderful city, and this warm and friendly Tea Room will remain high on our list of favorites.
[Baby Eileen smiles during her first Tea as if to say, "I am so glad this is a 'Family Place'!"]
It does the heart gppd to know that there are such generous, family-friendly places in San Francisco! What fun!!!
Posted by: Jennifer in TX | July 26, 2007 at 09:27 AM
Wow! Looks like it was made for you!
Posted by: Elizabeth H | July 26, 2007 at 09:49 AM
Oh, I think I've died and gone to heaven. Thank for "taking us with you", dear. :)
Chels and I "oohed and ahhed" over the pictures.
Posted by: Cay | July 26, 2007 at 10:34 AM
Made me want to put on a lovely summer hat and join you! Thanks for the glimpse into your afternoon.
Posted by: Cindy | July 26, 2007 at 10:35 AM
How lovely!
Posted by: Kate in NJ | July 26, 2007 at 10:54 AM
Alice, what a wonderful place and such loving owners to invite lots of children in. So many nice places are terrified of children "hurting their stuff." Now, next time Elizabeth and I want to join you all!!! ;) I noticed you found a barber for the boy...he could not be cuter. :)
Posted by: Cheryl M. | July 26, 2007 at 11:30 AM
How lovely! And refreshing, if you don't mind my saying so. I get so weary of the negativity surrounding family.
Posted by: Jennie C. | July 26, 2007 at 11:45 AM
As soon as I opened this page and saw only the top-half of the first picture I smiled, knowing something beautiful was to come!
Posted by: Kristen Laurence | July 26, 2007 at 12:06 PM
Waaa why didn't they have this place when I was a little girl. We would always go to the Japanese tea garden in golden gate park and have tea. But we would have LOVED the secret garden. xoxoxo Clarice
Posted by: clarice | July 26, 2007 at 12:16 PM
Alice, that is such a charming place! I totally understand your reluctance to bring along your "lively boy, active toddler, and bouncy baby" all too well! The San Francisco you have found is so different than the one I did, and I know why...you attract goodness with your goodness. Have fun, but can't wait to have you back!
Posted by: Jeannine | July 26, 2007 at 12:35 PM
Sounds, and looks, heavenly! I'm so glad you all had a wonderful time.
Posted by: Amy | July 26, 2007 at 12:41 PM
What a lovely day!
Posted by: jackie | July 26, 2007 at 04:36 PM
What a magical place. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Posted by: patience | July 26, 2007 at 04:51 PM
It looked so lovely. How dreamy.
Posted by: KC | July 26, 2007 at 06:54 PM
What a lovely place and day Alice. I'm so glad you and the little ones were all able to go.
Posted by: Theresa ♥ | July 26, 2007 at 08:41 PM
Your Midsummer Afternoon's Dream Tea looks absolutely charming. And delicious!
Posted by: Kimberlee | July 27, 2007 at 12:20 AM
Oh the place looks so beautiful! It reminds me of your couch in your living room... a home away from home. And you won't have to cook or clean! *a big sigh*
Posted by: Genevieve | July 27, 2007 at 12:34 PM
Looks like my kind of place. I'm so glad they were so kind to you all. The picture of Patrick cracks me up because he just looks so carefree and like he is definitely enjoying it in his boyish way ;o)
Posted by: Lynn | July 29, 2007 at 09:32 PM
Hmmph! How did I miss this place???!! Thanks for the heads-up..........thanks to your posts.......I know what WE will be doing on our next visit to SF. Glad to know they like kids....at least I know they will not run and lock the doors when Gloria and I show up with 11 children between the two of us!! :)
Posted by: Chari | August 07, 2007 at 02:12 AM
I forgot to mention...........I just LOVE the photo at the top of your blog....it reminds me of mine :)
Posted by: Chari | August 07, 2007 at 02:20 AM