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July 26, 2007


It does the heart gppd to know that there are such generous, family-friendly places in San Francisco! What fun!!!

Wow! Looks like it was made for you!

Oh, I think I've died and gone to heaven. Thank for "taking us with you", dear. :)

Chels and I "oohed and ahhed" over the pictures.

Made me want to put on a lovely summer hat and join you! Thanks for the glimpse into your afternoon.

How lovely!

Alice, what a wonderful place and such loving owners to invite lots of children in. So many nice places are terrified of children "hurting their stuff." Now, next time Elizabeth and I want to join you all!!! ;) I noticed you found a barber for the boy...he could not be cuter. :)

How lovely! And refreshing, if you don't mind my saying so. I get so weary of the negativity surrounding family.

As soon as I opened this page and saw only the top-half of the first picture I smiled, knowing something beautiful was to come!

Waaa why didn't they have this place when I was a little girl. We would always go to the Japanese tea garden in golden gate park and have tea. But we would have LOVED the secret garden. xoxoxo Clarice

Alice, that is such a charming place! I totally understand your reluctance to bring along your "lively boy, active toddler, and bouncy baby" all too well! The San Francisco you have found is so different than the one I did, and I know why...you attract goodness with your goodness. Have fun, but can't wait to have you back!

Sounds, and looks, heavenly! I'm so glad you all had a wonderful time.

What a lovely day!

What a magical place. Thank you for sharing it with us!

It looked so lovely. How dreamy.

What a lovely place and day Alice. I'm so glad you and the little ones were all able to go.

Your Midsummer Afternoon's Dream Tea looks absolutely charming. And delicious!

Oh the place looks so beautiful! It reminds me of your couch in your living room... a home away from home. And you won't have to cook or clean! *a big sigh*

Looks like my kind of place. I'm so glad they were so kind to you all. The picture of Patrick cracks me up because he just looks so carefree and like he is definitely enjoying it in his boyish way ;o)

Hmmph! How did I miss this place???!! Thanks for the heads-up..........thanks to your posts.......I know what WE will be doing on our next visit to SF. Glad to know they like kids....at least I know they will not run and lock the doors when Gloria and I show up with 11 children between the two of us!! :)

I forgot to mention...........I just LOVE the photo at the top of your blog....it reminds me of mine :)

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