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June 18, 2007


Wow Alice! That was beautiful reading once again - thank you.

Alice - you have outdone yourself with these three pieces! I'm so happy to read them again on Catholic Exchange. Thank you! :)

The Last Unicorn is one of my favorites!!


I read your article on Catholic Ex. this morning. Thank you very much for your witness. I passed it on to my wife and children, including my oldest who is getting married in less than a month--new territory for me her father. I believe the messages currently given by Jesus through "Anne" to be legit and He says that "your children's children will live differently" and I take that in a VERY positive way-so thank you for "starting" this "better way" with your family--AWESOME!!!

I am so proud that your writings are being shared with so many others in this way, Alice. People need to read these articles.

Thats one of my favorite posts of yours. mmi

Another excellent article, Alice!

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