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June 20, 2007


That's hilarious. Maybe RA and Andy's first wint tasting. Big day for them!!

Bridget was relieved to see your Raggedy's along with you on your trip. She thinks her own would like to go on a trip too ~smiling~
Enjoy your time there in sunny CA!
Hugs and Prayers,

by the looks on their expressive faces it seems the wine is very good...:)

Ooohh, more pictures, Alice!

Hi Alice, I'm hoping to meet you while you are in CA. Lissa hasn't said when & where you may be getting together.
I also wanted to ask where you purchased the new Mary statue. It is very beautiful and I'm looking for one.
God Bless.

Oh, lovely pics - the "dolls" look gorgeous. Sounds like you are enjoying your summer - we are in the middle of winter here and in the middle of the official school year!

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