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June 25, 2007


Oh. my. goodness! She is so very VERY cute! The photo with the hat is just priceless.

What an adorable baby! All your children are so sweet.

She is the sweetest little baby. I love that last picture!!!!!

What an adorable baby! All your children are so sweet.

What a precious little girl!


That garden is gorgeous and what a cutie in it!!

Oh! That hat is the crowning glory! She is dressed about right for the British summer too, though I'm not sure the moccasins would stand up to the damp :(

That little girl is good to go! Looks like she is having a lovely time in the garden. PRECIOUS!

I miss her! She looks so sweet!

She's priceless, a cherub for sure!

What a sweet, beautiful darling she is! I just love pictures from Cottage Blessings!

Now when did she get big enough to walk? That's not right!

She has fabulous kissin' cheeks, though, doesn't she?

She is so very cute! Alice, you might start a new fashion trend for one-year-olds...;))

Absolutely adorable

So sweet!!!

What a little doll!

Golden Gate Gunthers! I love it. :)

Cute! I love the close up with the hat and the one of her bending down in the the garden.


Your daughter could make a paper bag look good - of course, then she wouldn't be dressed for a SF summer!

Hope you're well!

Oh, how precious, Alice! She's beautiful! Love those shoes! Oh and that garden....

Would you happen to have tips on how to dress the SFO adult as well? :)

I'll take her here with me in Kansas if she can't stay warm there in CA ~smiling~ ...really, it would be no problem, except you might have to struggle to get her back.

What a happy baby :-)

And I love, just love, those little pitter-patters (that's what we call 'em here).

What a sweetie!

Love it! She's so cute!

Welcome to SF, and yes, layers are key. I'm a native, but recently moved north to Santa Rosa, and am having a hard time with all the heat!! I miss my natural air conditioning...

Your little girl is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!

That has sort of shattered my perceptions of weather in the US. I would have thought NY cool in Summer due to being so high North. And when I think of California, I think of warm weather everywhere....

That sweetie is soooo cute; give her a hug for me!!

Precious! (If I took the time, I could probably think of an adjective that hasn't been used yet, but unfortuately that's time I don't have!) ;)

Thanks for your kind comments on my blog!

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