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April 12, 2007


Beautiful...simply beautiful! You inspire me!

BTW..I remember the story and all the prayers we prayed for your friend Bridget. How is she now??

Simply beautiful. The cones are a wonderful touch -- the colorful patterns create a beautiful garden.

Pretty may baskets !!! Clarice

Oh, Alice!!

What a lovely treat for your homeschooling group - and for us all! You share so generously here, and we are all blessed by your talent and devotion.

God bless you, my beautiful friend!

Thank you for sharing this craft. My dd made a March- May basket out of an inverted princess hat and hung it by its elastic chin strap on our door! I know she wants to make May baskets for her friends and will love to see yours.

I'm unfamiliar with the pilgrim image of Our Lady. Could you tell a little more about the history and who participates?

I like all of your May baskets, Alice, this year's and last year's.

My goodness, how beautiful this is! I love how a simple, last minute preparation can become so glorious. Surely Our Lady must have been so pleased!

Gorgeous!! I got choked up at the sight of the image, and everyone in your beautiful yard...wish I could have been there, dearest. How my heart rejoices to know that Brigid was there too. She just sent my kids a package full of sign language crafts--so lovely, and all the more beautiful because they came from her.

The May basket cones are beautiful, and what I always love about your crafts is that even *I* can handle them. I love the a
idea of hanging one on our front door. I see a Michael's run in my future today...

Your crafts are always so lovely!

Thanks for being such an inspiration.


What an incredible honor and blessing. And the baskets! lovely.

Please pray for my daughter Marcy-Marie. She is having surgery at Children's hospital tomorrow at 7 am. I know you are a prayer warrior!

Alice, it's all so beautiful!

This post is eye candy! How pretty, pretty, pretty! You never cease to amaze me, Alice. Only you could have a "May Party" in early April--with a million other things to do--and have it all look so beautiful and be so meaningful. And the benefit to the rest of us? We have lots of time to plan to use these ideas in May:-)

How beautiful! I think I will try to make a basket with my dd; she will love having a place to keep holy cards in her room... For that matter, I think I would love one, too!

You always inspire me so much! My father's birthday is the first of May, May Day, and as children, we always made May Day Baskets. I don't know why... I don't know what they were for, but we did it and it was fun. I haven't thought of them in years. Thanks for the inspiration to introduce an old tradition to my children. My great-aunt used strips of paper to weave her baskets, but I may borrow your idea instead. It seems more doable at this stage of my life!

Beautiful and so easy!! Just what a craft challenged mother needs.

Beautiful, beautiful!

Alice, thank you for such a lovely idea. As always, you are such an inspiration, truly a blessing. I also want to thank you for your kind Easter wishes on my blog. You and your family are thought of so often in my heart with much love, prayer and thanksgiving.

Alice, this is incredible. Lissa took the words out of my mouth when she said that she got choked up at all of the outdoor pictures of the image, the baskets and the children. Oh, my goodness, yes!

And I have a special love for Our Lady of Guadalupe as well, for she helped me to recover from both a miscarriage and an old emotional wound, all at the same time.

I remember all the prayers for Brigid, and I'm edified beyond description by the miracle that is her life.

How blessed you all are, and what a blessing you are to us!

What a beautiful craft!! I am planning on making each of my catechists "May Baskets" for the last class of the year but couldn't figure out what to make the baskets out of....I'm off to the craft store now to pick up some packages of the paper!

I love the cones, they are simple and elegant and truly beautiful! What an honor to have the Guadalupe Image at your home! I know she was truly blessed by your efforts!

What beautiful baskets! What a wonderful welcome for Our Lady! My daughter Leah and I just love when the Image comes to PA to visit!!

Just beautiful. We have had the image come to our parish before and a lovely gatherly like you held would be a nice addition in the future.

Thank you for sharing your blessing with us! What a wonderful day you all must have had. So beautiful.


I think we'll be utilizing some of your craft ideas come May 1st!

It's hard to look at Emily's sweet face in the first photo and to think of how terrified and heroic she was just a few short hours later.
Great story. Thank you.

Oh Alice, you do such LOVELY things! :) xx

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