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April 17, 2007


Hi dear. Please send me your address for the prize awards sheet so I can get it to the companies who offered their prizes. :) Thanks so much and congratulations.

((HUGS)) I congratulated you by e-mail but wanted to tell you again how much I enjoy reading here.


Congratulations! Your awards were well deserved - I know that I've done crafts from your sites many, many times, and I find your faith and your gentleness shine through your lovely blog.

Dear Alice, I am thrilled you won! I am so honored to be in your company and blessed to learn from you! Thinking of you today, and thanking God you're in my life!!


Thank you so much, and another hearty congratulations to you! You do not fall short of the best in any of those areas! You are an inspiration to us all, and I come here every day to be encouraged, to see your witness in living what you believe, and to see what beautiful, inspiring craft will be next!

Congratulations, dear friend. It's richly deserved!

Not for nothing I've been calling you "Alice the Best" for over ten years!!! Brava, my dear!

Oh, HOORAY! I am so happy to hear that! Congratulations, Alice! It is a pleasure and a blessing to read your marvelous ideas and your beautifully written reflections. Each new post enriches my life!

Dear Alice, congratulations. You deserve it. You are such a warm and creative lady. Your blog exudes that. xoxox Clarice

Congratulations, Alice! Well-deserved. Cottage Blessings is indeed a blessing for all "cottages" out there!

Congrats, again, Alice! Now you are an "award-winning" blog. Sounds good, doesn't it? And well it should.

Well deserved congratulations, Alice! I truly enjoy each visit to Cottage Blessings.

i've learned entirely SO much from you site. Keep up the great effort of keeping everyone informed in your community :)

Blessings !

Congratulations, Alice! I think Cottage Blessings is a beautiful, faith-filled place to visit. I am grateful for both it and you!

Congratulations! Nice to meet you!

Warmest blessings--May God continue to use you, Alice--all for His glory!

All's grace
Ann V.

My warmest and most heartfelt congratulations! I want to also tell you that if you do come out with a book, I want to be notified! I would consider it on 'my must have list' and 'among my most cherished of all books'. Thank you so much for all you do for us. With much love and thanksgiving for you!

Congratulations on your win! Just wanted to let you know that as a prize awarder, I'm dropping a copy of my book, Great Colonial America Projects You Can Build Yourself in the mail to you today.

Congratulations Alice!! Well done everyone! I seemed to have missed the whole thing - didn't even get a chance to vote. I am SO behind on blogging (reading AND writing).

Congrats again Alice - I am so glad to see you recognized you (and so many other) deserve it!

Many congratulations and blessings! Thank you for being such a model of graciousness for us all.

Sincerely in Christ,

Belated Congratulations, Alice. I love visiting your cottage. You are an inspiration! BTW, you've been tagged as a 'Thinking Blogger' chez moi.

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