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March 17, 2007


Alice, this post just left me in happy tears. What a lovely story of sisterly and sacrificial love! Such an awe-inspiring garden of heavenly flowers you are cultivating at your Cottage!

It was hard to finish reading this beautiful post with the tears filling my eyes. This is the most touching story of true sacrifice I have this Lent.

Oh! I am also in tears! So beautiful!

Tears here too! Your children have my utmost admiration, Alice!

I'm crying, too. What a sweet and beautiful soul. But, that doesn't surprise me, given the sweet and beautiful soul of her mother.

What a soldier! And truly playing the role of our Lady.

I am also filled with tears. You must be so proud of your children. What a beautiful story!! Blessings,

Tears here as well. What lovely children you have. But should I be surprised when they have such a lovely mother?

Cryiny too,thanks again for sharing.

How could one read this and not shed a tear or two? I feel blessed just reading this. Hugs to you and your girls, Alice.

Alice, you brought tears to my eyes as well. What a fine young lady Margaret is growing to be, which is to be expected in such a loving, nurturing household as yours. Congratulations to all the girls on their parts!

And I cried, too. You're raising lovely young ladies.

I ditto every word written by Suzanne. What beautiful souls you are raising, Alice.

I'm going to have my girls read this post.

Team players! I LOVE IT!

What a wonderful story and what blessings your daughters are to each other. Thank you for sharing.

How sweet. You are doing such a beautiful job with them Alice.

I can't even see the keyboard with my waterlogged eyes! Beautiful story Alice.

How wonderful, wish we could be there to see it all!! A blessed Lent...

Alice, I've thought so much about Theresa and her charitable heart today - she will certainly make a most loving soldier.

I'm not a bit surprised. She is as gracious and loving as she is beautiful. But then, so are you dear. Like mother like daughters.

Tears here, too. This is so beautiful, Alice. Thank you so much for sharing it, and all these glimpses into the life of your family, with us. Do let Theresa know that she's done more good by this choice than she can see. I know my heart has been convicted by her selflessness.

So very, very beautiful, Alice!

A truly selfless girl you have raised. Beautiful.

What a beautiful witness to your love, Alice! You should be proud!!

I have to add my "beautiful!" to all the others here. Thank you for sharing this sweet story. God-willing, someday it would be lovely to meet you and your dear daughters!

Pax Christi,

~Phil 4:8~
Soli Deo Gloria!

So, so beautiful, Alice. How I desire this true love for my own girls as they grow!

Ohh Alice, this makes me long even more for proximity to your family. Sounds like your beautiful daughters are just the dear friends my own daughters would cling to for life.

Oh Alice, what a dear and lovely story. I can only imagine how our Blessed Mother must have smiled over your girls that day. :)

Beautiful, Alice. Thank you for posting this story.

This brought tears to my eyes!

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