God, in His infinite goodness, saw to it that it does not take much to entertain a toddler.
Maureen and I had a blast playing a ridiculous game this afternoon. I made it up on the spur of the moment in an attempt to be silly, but she just loved it. Mom does all the talking for this one.
Me [who happened to be holding a bottle of water]: "This is my nice little baby water."
[Turning to pat Maureen]: "This is my nice little baby daughter."
[Ttouching water again]: "Water!"
[Patting Maureen affectionately]: "Daughter!"
[Throwing both arms around Maureen suddenly]: "Caught her!!!!"
The "caught her" brought screams and squeals of the deepest laughter, not to mention a crowd of amused young onlookers. So enthusiastic was Maureen that she pressed me to repeat this game at least a dozen times. Even seven year old Marie begged for a turn (and received several)! Needless to say, the rhyme needed to be tweaked quite a bit for Patrick.
For a far more dramatic look at a real life game of "Water, Daughter," please pay a visit to the Cottage Garden. But be warned--you will need your rubbers.
I love those simple games that bring so much laughter!
Posted by: Karen E. | March 05, 2007 at 07:35 AM
Little kids are so much fun!
Posted by: Beck | March 05, 2007 at 11:33 AM
So sweet! What a picture of simple fun with Mommy!
Posted by: Jenn Miller | March 05, 2007 at 11:48 AM
How sweet and fun!
Posted by: Kristen Laurence | March 05, 2007 at 05:49 PM