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January 01, 2007


Alice, this is so pretty.

I'm with you. Theotokos is my favorite title of Mary as well.

What a beautiful way to honor The Mother of God.
And I just want you to know that I'm so blessed by the way you gently encourage me and so many others to "tend and nuture".
As always, Alice, many thanks and hugs to you.

This is beautiful.
May God bless you all, dear Alice, with a blessed New Year.

Just beautiful!!! Another inspired idea.

I love your new teapot. What a perfect gift for the queen of tea! The cupcakes are very inviting, as well.

I agree, "Mother of God" is the very best title for Mary.

How beautiful, Alice! Happy New year to you and your wonderful family!

I peeked in here from Dawn's By Sun and Candlelight and I'm sure glad I did. Such a loving reverence for our Mother and the Mother of God.
Thanks for taking the time to show us.

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