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January 28, 2007


Oh Alice, I am sorry that this happened, but what a beautiful perspective you share with us on the unfortunate events as of late.

Storing "treasures for heaven" is one of my favorite scripture passages, and was the basis upon which I named my blog!

Oh, I'm sorry again! But you seem to have a knack for making good out of bad situations :)

Alice, it has happened to us too. But think -- 2nd floor bathroom, toilet over the stove and food prep area in the kitchen below, and a sewer pipe bursting.

Eventually, you laugh about it!!!

Ah ha! At last, we get Alice's blog post where we all get a look at your curriculum;-). Your attitude is as positive as ever--we're looking forward to rebuilding with you!

OH NO! Your attitude is great but look at your poor house!
I'm safe, though - it's nothing like spring here. We're still having -30 to -40 weather everyday.

Gasp. Oh, Alice! Keep up those good spirits!

I hate when that happens! ): So sorry to hear of this. God has certainly blessed you with an abundance of grace and calm to help yourself and family to get through this one.
Love & prayers...

Oh Alice, hopefully this is the last of massive destruction posts from you for a very long time - I do like your new lesson plan ideas though! :)

The disastrous roof incident didn't stop Margaret and I from making fairies upstairs, though!

How do you make such awful things sound so FUNNY, Mom? I almost died laughing when I read the part about the Jaques Cousteau books!


How very sad. It must have been hard for the children to come upon the disaster.

Oh, no! I'm glad you're able to handle this with your usual grace, but oh my goodness -- those pictures!

We had an upstairs water leak last November - while we were on vacation! $5000 of damage to government quarters and we had to move! You can share in our flood here: http://www.themacandcheesechronicles.com/2006/11/more_pictures.html

But the best part of all was when we resumed school after 3 weeks (vacation plus the emergency move), our Bible reading was...The Flood.

Oh, Alice, how heart-wrenching! Just the idea of having to clean up all the water damage. I am glad of your wonderful attitude. I hope that I could also make the best of a bad situation.

Blessings to you and hopefully, no more disasters for awhile.

Oh my. I am so sorry to see all this destruction, Alice!

You have such a wonderful perspective on it all by keeping your eyes on what's important!

Oh the books! Noooooo! I am so sorry Alice. You are so cheerful about the whole thing. You are saintly indeed!

Oh, Alice.... :(

Btw, I look forward to a post on your new curriculum. ;)

Gosh, Alice, catastrophe indeed! But your fortitude is amazing! Silver lining clearly shining brightly...

Oh, Alice. I'm so sorry to see and hear this. Many prayers for you as you rebuild. Your peaceful attitude is inspiring.

Dear Alice! What a model of Our Lady you are! My heart aches for you but thanks you too for such a wonderful lesson.

I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with this, but like you so beautifully pointed out, we are not to put our stock in earthly treasures. I know how much books mean to a homeschooler though and I hope that your insurance will pick up and allow you to replace those things which you need too.

I thought the rain check comment was cute. :o)

Oh, how awful! But, Alice, you never cease to amaze me. Your attitude in the face of all of this is truly inspirational. God bless you all.

Oh. Alice, I'm very sorry. I would have been especially disappointed in having such a big job to clean-up. I admire your positive attitude.

Oh Alice the pictures say it all, it's awful. Actually, I was relieved that it turned out to be a catastrophe in which no one was hurt.

Oh Alice! You poor dears! I will pray that your insurance handles it all quickly and to more than your satisfaction! Nothing like a little adventure to make January exciting, huh??

{{Alice}} Grace under pressure, that's our girl:)
You have a wonderful perspective on what is truly important. Blessings to your family.

Oh, Alice! What a blessing that God is giving you calmness under this pressure! I hope you dry out soon...I'm sorry I didn't see this until now.

Oh, Alice! What a blessing that God is giving you calmness under this pressure! I hope you dry out soon...I'm sorry I didn't see this until now.

Oh, Alice! How dreadful! But as you well know, it's just 'stuff'. All of those pictures posted, but just a bunch of stuff. No faces of your dear family in the 'mass destruction' - all is well.

Oh Alice! I started reading in horror and ended giggling at the rain check. And isn't homeschooling about making memories ... well, your children won't forget this in a hurry!

Out of all the books to drown...Cousteau? LOL! That's the last thing I want you to worry about, and you know it!

So sorry this happened. If you need any books I can spare, let me know.

Oh, Alice! Prayers going up for you that everything goes smoothly with the insurance company!

So Sorry!

Oh Alice! I gasped as I read this on bloglines just now. I am so sorry!

I'm with Kim. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I actually held by breath looking at the pictures. What a great attitude you have. We will keep you in our prayers (especially in your dealings with the insurance company). Oh, my bil is a adjuster so if you have any questions, let me know.

It takes more than a flood to dampen your spirit! Leave it to you, dear Alice, to find the bright side of this whole fiasco.
I have absolutely no doubt that you will have THE BEST winter and spring of your homeschooling career!
May God bless you and the children, and inspire you all on a new journey and a fresh start.

Oh, Alice! Quick, lock up the photo albums in a waterproof, fireproof safe. You just never know.

I love your spirit and I love you!

Oh, Alice! You are truly admirable to handle this terrible disaster with such a sweet spirit. I am sure God will bless you through it.

Oh my gosh, look what I find when I haven't read blogs for a few days! You have the most amazing attitude about all these mishaps that have befallen you in the last month. Most of us what not cope with such grace. I hope and pray that it is all cleaned up quickly and everything can return to normal at the cottage. Blessings to you.

Dear Alice,
I'm so sorry this happened to you! Prayers for a quick insurance payment and repairs! (And replacing those books that are worth replacing!)

Alice, just read about your catastrophe at the forum. So sorry that you're going through this. My first thought was, good thing that ceiling didn't crash down on anyone! As usual, your attitude is an inspiration. Sending prayers that insurance takes care of this quickly. ((Hugs))

42 coments (including this one) on this post! That's probably more comments than my blog has ever recived!



oh I am so sorry to hear about your little cottage. I pray many, many good things would come out of this experience.

Oh Alice, I'm so sorry! I was away most of last week, so my comment is not very timely. I feel so badly that this happened to you, but you do have such a Godly heart to look at it from this perspective!

Way to make lemonade Alice:) I'm so sorry this has happened but you are right in that it is a great lesson for us all.

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