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December 12, 2006


That is just precious! I can just see her little face as she shared that solemn fact with you! :)

LOL! What a little philosopher... That is priceless. Thanks for the laugh this morning.

How precious! I would have loved to see her expression.

Oh, THAT is just funny!

Tell her Mrs. Laubacher knows exactly what she means! :) I've got some of those too!


Ouch! That must have hurt! :)

How cute.

Poor Catherine. That mean world really can hurt sometimes.

LOL!! How precious.

How dramatic.

What an inspiring story - there are no coincidences.
Wouldn't it be neat to take silk roses and secretly put them in bushes of Catholic friends houses on this feast day as a reminder of Our Mother's love for them.

Oh, that is priceless. That poor world-weary child. :-)

how very, very sweet.

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