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December 09, 2006


I cannot imagine what could be better than that, Alice! What a perfect day. Thank you for sharing the pictures - and you my friend, are beautiful!! Blessings!

How wonderful! We haven't made knotted rosaries in too many years. Such a great project for little fingers.

I can't imagine anything better. What a warm and wonderful day! I LOVE the photo of you with your daughter! Beautiful. I have to ask, Alice, do you make all your children's beautiful clothing?

What a lovely day!

What a beautiful day. My girls and I love making rosaries too. (e haven't mastered the knot though.) And it's always a blessing to have the opportunity to see your sweet smile.

What a lovely time spent together learning a skill that will bless you and your loved ones for life!

Oh, how lovely!! Those pictures are so beautiful as are you, Alice.

I so enjoy reading about your children's activities and these visits with such warm and gracious people on these beautiful feasts! I think you must win The-Loveliest-Advent-of-all award!

How wonderful! You are so right, what could be better than that? :)

How special, what a lovely day!!

Alice, you'll have to teach us. Looks like you had a wonderful time.

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