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December 14, 2006


Oh, Alice, you cannot imagine how this post warms my heart!! I could spend the whole day looking at that photo album and reading all your lovely notes. What a beautiful, absolutely beautiful, day you created for your friends and children. And to have my name mentioned here is the greatest honor and joy. Thank *you* my dear friend for always showing *me* the way with your grace and beauty. :)


Gorgeous. What fun, and what a beautiful memory for your children! I only wish we'd been there! (When WILL someone invent that teleporting machine?)

Beautiful, Fun, Delicious, and Educational!! :)

You are a wonderful hostess. Thank you so much for a terrific afternoon!!!

Simply beautiful, Alice. I'm going to have to show my girls these beautiful photos. And I know what they'll want to be doing for the feast next year! :)

Wonderful, the photo album is super and it looked like such a lovely time!! I'm with Lissa, teleporting please!!

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