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December 31, 2006


A hearty congratulations to you on your first completed year of Cottage Blessings! Thank you so much for this beautiful, gentle, and inspiring place to visit! A glorious 2007 to you all!

The feelings are mutual, Alice. My world is so much brighter because of you. Blessings for a beautiful 2007.

Dear Alice,
Many, many blessings on your Cottage.
May you always have walls for the winds, a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire, laughter to cheer you, those you love near you, and all your heart might desire. And may God ever continue to hold you in the palm of His hand!
(paraphrase of Irish blessing -- it seemed to fit you and your beautiful blog!)

Alice -- you continue to bless our Home all the time; my kids feel like they know "the lady with the Lenten teas".....

Blessings and happiest of New Years to you!

Happy Anniversary! I am so, so glad that you are a part of my life now. I love your site and am so grateful for all you've added to our lives.

Your site is such an inspiration! I'm so glad you blog!

Your blog is a wonderful source of encouragement and joy in my day. Thank you for sharing and Happy New Year!!

Happy anniversary and many thanks for the beauty, love and inspiration that I find here in the Cottage each time I visit. You are such a gift!

Congratulations on the anniversary! Your blog and your friendship are a blessing to my family and me. Thanks for all you share of your life and your family.

Alice, thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us :)


I found your blog in October and have learned so much from you. Thank you so much for your inspiration.


Yes, Alice, thank you for opening your home to all of us! That generosity is why I started blogging in the first place. Happy Anniversary!

Happy New Year, Alice and family! May you be blessed in the year to come.

Happy New Year, dear Alice! I agree--this online journal is such a lovely extension of the wife & mother behind it. Thank you!

(And thank you also, from the bottom of my heart, for your extra special prayers to Our Lady of Guadalupe!)

Happy New Year to you dear Alice who inspired me into the blogging world as well!! Happy Anniversary and here's to another wonderful year!!

Happy Blogiversary, Alice! Thank you for sharing youself with all of us through this lovely blog. Blessing to you and your family in the new year!

Alice, I love your blog. You are very blessed. Congratulations and a Blessed New Year. God bless you.

Your devotion to your family, joyful spirt, incredible talent and strong Faith has been an inspiration to me personally. Thank you!

I am so very grateful for your blog, Alice. It inspired me to begin mine, in order to put a few of our family memories "down" since I have never kept a diary either. Count me in as one of your many priviledged readers!

Congratulations and thank you for the time you spend sharing your ideas, faith and family with others. I am blessed everytime I visit the Cottage!

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