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December 30, 2006


You are incredible!!! I am going to do this...THIS year! On Thursday, I think. Thank you so much!

This is gorgeous. I am printing in out and we are doing it as well. The reading passages are wonderful. Thank you so much!

Oh Alice, this is so great! I was wanting something to do with the kids on the afternoon of Epiphany and this will be just perfect! Your ideas are so wonderful.

You did it again!!

Your generosity in sharing your wonderful ideas is beyond measure...I love this tea!!

We are going to do this too!
Thank you.

Thanks, Alice! We will do this!

Another wonderful tea! My favorite, though the most simple is "Sugar Cubes for Our Lady". Perfect, Alice!

Love it Alice, what a dear you are to continually share your heart and soul with these beautiful Teas!! I can't wait to do this on True Epiphany Thursday, what a blessing it will be for us! Happy New Years again!

I don't suppose you are interested in moving to Wisconsin next door to me? This is beautiful! What a blessing you are to your children (and friends!)

Have I told you today that I just love you? Thank you, in Jesus & Mary, for the many, many ways you bless our domestic church.

Our lives have been pulled in so many directions this year with the loss of Grandpa and the taking on of most of the farm work that planning anything has been difficult, time and energy just too short. Finding your beautiful ideas is like finding a treasure, one that was needed but not expected. I plan on using this with my Little Flowers group since we are meeting only two days after Epiphany this month. I even found a Wilton Gingerbread kit with 8 gingerbread men for 75% off! Thanks for your kind generosity, you have made my planning easier just when I needed it most!
Love in Jesus through Mary with Saint Joseph,

Love this! I featured this idea over on Catholic Icing today. Thanks for the inspiration!

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