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November 19, 2006


I love everything about this post, except ... now I'll have that song in my mind all day .... :-/

Please accept my fervent apology, Karen! LOL!

Gosh, that is a beautiful setting for a rocket launch! Did this new mantis come home with you too?

Theresa, I cannot wait to share your wonderful post with my 11 year old Bookworm! What an exciting and memorable day!

Great post, Alice -- my kids have been wanting to do this too! In fact, Theresa, they want to know what the nose cone is made of and where they can get one.


Thanks for sharing! We haven't done a rocket launch in a long time. We will have to put some things together and do one for the boys. :)

Here in Roswell they are having a special "Rocket Day" this coming Saturday and they will be doing launches and lots of other stuff. Apparently Robert Goddard helped put Roswell on the map (second only to the aliens back in the 1940's, lol ).

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