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October 28, 2006


Yes, very sweet sisterly love! And that baby is just too beautiful!!

That is way too sweet! I will pray for baby Eileen.

I sure does! What a cute picture.

Prayers for Eileen coming from me too. Don't babies just love mirrors!

Oh, she is gorgeous! And how blessed she is to have Catherine for a big sister.

I forgot to mention that I will keep Eileen in my prayers.

What a beautiful picture, and a beautiful story! Prayers from here, too.

Beautiful picture! Praying here too.

Praying for your little one!

Oh, praying for her baby sister-- that is so beautiful. They *are* God's gifts to each other.
Even though she's only two, or maybe especially because she's only two, Catherine knows that.
Praying for Eileen and glad she has such a wise, heads-up doctor.

What a sweet story, Alice! Little Catherine sure must be surrounded by a whole lot of love from your family to be able to feel and articulate such kindness. Baby Eileen certainly is blessed to have such a loving big sister.

oh goodness she is so cute!!!! What a kind sister she has! My girls are about the same age difference (I would guess?) and I see that closeness coming on. It's heartwarming. :-)

That is precious. It is wonderful that they have each other.

Your precious baby girls are just so sweet. I am still haunted by baby Eileen's amazing eyes! Be assured of our prayers for her health. And God bless sweet Catherine for her pious compassion! I was just lamenting that the youngest child, no matter how large the family, does not get the honor of loving a baby sibling. But God does provide cousins and friends for this purpose, I suppose!

Wow. This story says plenty, not only about your little Saint Catherine but also about the spiritual formation she's receiving from her mother! Just beautiful.

We will keep Baby Eileen in our prayers. My girls, by the way, were enchanted with her photo!

Have a blessed day!

She is beautiful!! What a sweet sweet sister she has too!

Oh, that's so sweet that tears came to my eyes! What sweet sisters.
A friend's baby had the same problem, by the way, and it fixed itself very nicely on its own. Try not to worry!

Oh, they are SO sweet! I will indeed pray for little Eileen. One of my favorite things about being a mother is the development of brotherly love between my boys.

Praying Alice, and what a blessing that little sister (and all of the others and that darling brother) are for Eileen! Such a precious photo!

Hi Alice!
Ok, it's almost midnight, and I've spent the last hour browsing through your archives!! I love your site and have learned a lot just reading your site! I especially enjoyed reading about your lenten teas and the Marian altars you made. I loved your list of reminders at the start of school, it brought tears to my eyes, just doubling my childrens ages, my oldest is 6 now, how fast those years will go!! My youngest was born on June 1st. Angela, born on the feast of St Angela Merici. (traditional calendar) She is close to your youngest! Your 2 year old is precious with her prayers for her sister. Thank you for being here.
God Bless you. Your baby will be in our prayers!

Ok, since I am kind of new to your site, what's up with the mantis's? Are they just out in the open, no cages? Just curious!

I can't begin to thank all of you for your kind words and supportive prayers. You are all so very, very kind. There is no way to express how much you mean to me.

[Thank you, Jamie, and I hope you will visit here often. About the mantis, it is supposed to be in its cage and not out in the open--at least theoretically.]

There is nothing more beautiful than sisterly love!!

Your girls are so precious. I am praying for your little one.

Praying for baby Eileen.

Oh Alice, what a sweet story! We will be praying for your little ones, and especially dear Baby Eileen.

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