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October 11, 2006


We love the spoon saints and the Shakespearian spoons, as well as the Franciscan birdhouses. However, we REALLY keep checking back for Agnes' Mantis Diaries, Part II! We hope she has time soon.

Ian (9) and Louisa (6)

I give up. Your six year old is making characters from a Midsummer Night's Dream? That is truly amazing.

Your Marie calls to mind my River :-)

A packet of wooden spoons is on our list for the next craft store run.

What a precious little soul she is...and so amazing too.

Oh, Alice, my children and I got such a kick out of these!

LOL That is my five year old's current favorite Shakespearean quote. :) It's got him to quit saying, "Out, out, damn spot!" so I'm not complaining. :D

I'm going to have to consider the spoons. The boys have been acting out plays with (I kid you not) matchbox cars. :}

These are such fun! Your children are quite amazing--just like their mother!

Super cute Alice, I've got to find those spoons!! You've once again found something simple and made it not only lovely but beautifully religious!! God Bless!

absolutely adorable! Where can I find these craft spoons?


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