As all of you know, Maureen at Trinity Prep School is hosting an ongoing project called, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Homeschool Bloggers." Here is the Cottage Blessings list of seven blogging habits:
1. Explore the positive.
Since January 1st, I have hoped that Cottage Blessings would be about gratitude for the simple blessings of our family life. Having an upbeat overriding theme has made the blog a pleasure to write.
2. Try using your blog to make you a better mother.
This may sound ridiculous, but this second point is related to number one, and it is an enormous unexpected benefit of blogging. A focus on gratitude and appreciation for my individual children has helped me to be a better, more upbeat mother in my everday life. Little things happen throughout the day, and I recognize them as gifts--often worth posting about--rather than something to be taken for granted. This happened from the very first week of maintaining a blog (My Budding Optimist, High Tea, An Epiphany), and it continues whether or not I find the time to write about each small positive experience. Somehow, having my ideals and most optimistic thoughts presented in print has helped me to live up to them more often.
3. Share your Faith.
This is another of the incalculable, unexpected benefits of blogging. When this blog began on a whim back in January, I thought it would be mostly about Family Life and Home Education. Somehow, on its own, it instantly became above all else a Catholic blog, and this has helped me to explore and appreciate my Faith as never before.
4. Involve the children.
Cottage Blessings and especially Cottage Garden are truly a family effort, and anything that helps me share an interest with my children is worthwhile!
5. Keep it simple.
Providing a lengthy explanation to go along with that point would be wrong, wouldn't it? : )
6. Do not let it take up too much of your time.
This one speaks for itself as well!
7. Do not feel pressured.
No one is busier than a homeschooling mother, and maintaining a blog should not become an added burden. Give yourself permission to leave off posting whenever the spirit moves you. (When Maureen told me about this project, I thought there would not be time to post before the new baby's arrival. Now here I am happily typing away because the mood struck me. No pressure!)
Well, thank you for reading these thoughts on blogging, and a big round of applause to Maureen for hosting such a worthwhile project. I am looking forward to reading all the pointers presented by seasoned bloggers at Trinity Prep School.
[January 2006, Leaving off blogging when presented with a volume of Dr. Seuss by a very messy, but adorable, baby.]
"A focus on gratitude and appreciation for my individual children has helped me to be a better, more upbeat mother in my everday life. Little things happen throughout the day, and I recognize them as gifts--often worth posting about--rather than something to be taken for granted."
Your love and appreciation for each of your children shines through in your posts and that is one of the reasons that I love Cottage Blessings. Your gratefulness and humility are prevelant in all that you write. Great ideas and suggestions, Alice!
Posted by: Rebecca | June 08, 2006 at 12:19 AM
Alice, I am so glad you posted your thoughts on blogging! I am always uplifted and inspired here; your blog is truly a gift to your readers. Your love for your family and faith is expressed so beautifully and your ideas are shared so generously ... (Can you tell I just love stopping in here?) :) God Bless!
Posted by: Dawn | June 08, 2006 at 06:01 AM
Thanks for your insightful contribution, Alice. You've included several points not previously mentioned by others.
Posted by: Maureen | June 08, 2006 at 07:22 AM
These are wonderful points, Alice! Your blog is such a blessing. :)
Posted by: Amy | June 08, 2006 at 08:01 AM
Number 2 is my favorite. This was a revelation to me as well, one that Lissa had shared but I didn't understand until I started blogging. You've articulated beautifully the phenomenon of holding ourselves to a higher standard when we commit it to writing (and pictures).
Posted by: Elizabeth Foss | June 08, 2006 at 09:11 AM
Thank you for those excellent pointers, Alice.
As Dawn said, I am always, always uplifted and inspired when I come to visit here. : )
Posted by: Cay | June 08, 2006 at 05:02 PM
Well said, I am especially taking to heart point number 2.
As has been mentioned, several times, I am always inspired and uplifted when I visit your Cottage. Thank you.
Posted by: Account Deleted | June 08, 2006 at 09:43 PM
You are all so wonderful! I am so lucky to have such friends.
Posted by: Alice | June 08, 2006 at 10:17 PM
Alice, ditto what everyone else said, as we have been blogging about the same time frame I have constantly taken cues from you and your beautifully inspiring blog!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful reasons, they are perfect!
Posted by: Meredith | June 10, 2006 at 05:30 PM
Well, I just love you to death and I'd be your clingy best friend if you lived near me! :o)
Thanks for all the inspiration.
Posted by: Lynn | June 13, 2006 at 03:37 PM