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June 07, 2006


"A focus on gratitude and appreciation for my individual children has helped me to be a better, more upbeat mother in my everday life. Little things happen throughout the day, and I recognize them as gifts--often worth posting about--rather than something to be taken for granted."

Your love and appreciation for each of your children shines through in your posts and that is one of the reasons that I love Cottage Blessings. Your gratefulness and humility are prevelant in all that you write. Great ideas and suggestions, Alice!

Alice, I am so glad you posted your thoughts on blogging! I am always uplifted and inspired here; your blog is truly a gift to your readers. Your love for your family and faith is expressed so beautifully and your ideas are shared so generously ... (Can you tell I just love stopping in here?) :) God Bless!

Thanks for your insightful contribution, Alice. You've included several points not previously mentioned by others.

These are wonderful points, Alice! Your blog is such a blessing. :)

Number 2 is my favorite. This was a revelation to me as well, one that Lissa had shared but I didn't understand until I started blogging. You've articulated beautifully the phenomenon of holding ourselves to a higher standard when we commit it to writing (and pictures).

Thank you for those excellent pointers, Alice.

As Dawn said, I am always, always uplifted and inspired when I come to visit here. : )

Well said, I am especially taking to heart point number 2.

As has been mentioned, several times, I am always inspired and uplifted when I visit your Cottage. Thank you.

You are all so wonderful! I am so lucky to have such friends.

Alice, ditto what everyone else said, as we have been blogging about the same time frame I have constantly taken cues from you and your beautifully inspiring blog!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful reasons, they are perfect!

Well, I just love you to death and I'd be your clingy best friend if you lived near me! :o)
Thanks for all the inspiration.

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