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June 09, 2006


Oh, how sweet. What a delightful day.

To be a child again...just for today. : )

That last shot (and commentary) is too funny! Oh, I want to hug her.

Thank you both!

Lissa, it was actually that last shot that inspired the whole post! I thought it was so funny to see her lying there with my checkbook!

You are blessed with thsweetest little girls ( and boy) :), what a perfect day and pictures!!

Your sweet daughter reminds me so much of my littlest daughter Christina...who would be like her dark curly haired twin ;)...there is something so very special about little ones at this age...you can almost hear God Himself sigh at the sight of them! :o)

Thank you, Meredith and Donna Marie.

Donna Marie, I remember when Christina was born! Where does the time go?

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