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May 02, 2006


Alice, your family expresses and celebrates our Catholic faith so beautifully. I feel so blessed to learn from, and share with, you! Thank you for including me in your post. :)

What a beautiful post, and a beautiful use of murmurations!

And the girls' baskets, of course, are lovely.

I have a new statue of St. Joseph on the way -- a birthday gift which should be here any day now. I can't wait to see it.

And one of these days, I'll join the 21st century and get a digital camera so that I, too, can share in the photo fun. :-)

Karen, there is still time to take a regular photo and scan it, and a St. Joseph's altar would be a most welcome addition! : ) How's that for pressure?

It's all so beautiful! I can't wait to see it's progress during the month.

And I love your post title! :)


I don't have a scanner!! Arrgghh! I told you I don't live in this century yet! :-)

The statue arrived yesterday, by the way, and I love it!!

I love your Altar and I especially love your Lady of Fatima statue. I was wondering if you would tell me how tall it is and where you purchased it? Thank you.

Thank you all so much!

Julia, my statue is about three feet tall and was purchased at a local religious goods store about five years ago. At the time, I think I spent about $250 for it, but it was worth every penny. It makes a beautiful centerpiece for our family room and seems to provide a prayerful atmosphere to the whole house. (It also came with a jeweled crown.) Thank you for asking!

Your photos are so inspirational! I am embarrassed to admit that I have never heard of having a Marian altar during May. We've always crowned our blessed Mother, but this year we will try something new, thanks to your inspiration.

Karen, that's fantastic! And when you do, please be sure to send me a photo or a link to a photo on your lovely blog so that I can include it in my post about family May Altars later this month!

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