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January 23, 2006


Another beautiful post, Alice.

I always answer, in a rather pedestrian fashion, "Oh, yes, we have snow days ... Everyone should have snow days."

But, in future, I should like to carry your post around and pass it out to inquiring minds.

Beautiful! *This* is why we homeschool!

I've been a little disappointed in January because we've had no snow. My nicely boxed "Snowflake Bentley" unit is gathering dust. Your post reminds me that there are "Unseasonably Warm Midwinter Days" to celebrate. Lovely!

Awesome post Alice, you can all come to my neck of the woods for three feet of snow, it's a snow day here ALL winter long!! We love our snow days and we of course are pining for Spring and new buds. I didn't know the Pope wore tennis shoes!

Thank you very much!!!

I'm so glad Dawn linked to this today! It is a most perfect post and exactly how we approach education. I scheduled our "year" to end in April so we can spend all spring outside REALLY learning. Lovely, Alice.

I'm so glad Dawn linked to this today! It is a most perfect post and exactly how we approach education. I scheduled our "year" to end in April so we can spend all spring outside REALLY learning. Lovely, Alice.

((Alice)) what a beautiful post. Thank you for bringing beauty to the everyday.

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